YOUNGSTERS from schools across York are performing and composing new music in workshops as part of the city's Late Music Festival.

Funding has been awarded to the Late Music Festival by the Lottery's Awards For All and the workshops have been programmed by the festival in partnership with Tim Brooks, City of York Council's music consultant.

Pupils from Manor School and its feeder primaries are learning three pieces specially written for them - Pushing Up The Sky by Barry Russell, which was commissioned by the festival, plus two pieces by the festival's artistic director David Power - The Tail Of The Doormouse and Just Add Creativity. All three works involve pupils aged between ten and 13 with a professional ensemble of six musicians.

In addition to these commissioned pieces, the ensemble has been working for the past two months with a group of nine young composers, aged between 14 and 16, each of whom has written a piece for the ensemble. Other pieces in the concert will also include music by Mr Brooks.

The workshop results will be showcased in a concert at the National Centre For Early Music on Sunday, June 10, at 7.30pm.

The Late Music Festival takes place from June 1 to June 10.