YORK College's staff and students have been collecting items to fill a 40ft shipping container to send to Africa.

Phil Waterworth, a brickwork tutor from the college, who has previously visited Ghana with the development charity Voluntary Service Overseas, organised the drive to send vocational education equipment to the Abura Vocational Training Institute and another school in the region.

The York College tutor visits Ghana regularly to supervise projects, including the building of a new school and organised a similar shipment of goods from York College in 2003. The construction of the new £60 million college in Sim Balk Lane, has meant there was a lot of surplus equipment no longer required by the college, which it has donated to Ghana.

Neither of the schools in Abura have any teaching aids, other than what York College donated in 2003, and eagerly anticipate the arrival of the container.

The college had to raise £1,840 to cover the shipping fees, but Mr Waterworth believes it will be worth all the hard work.