I AM trying to find a very dear friend of mine with whom I lost contact many years ago.

I have many memories of the time we spent together, and over the years I have often wondered what has happened to Patricia Ann Toase.

At the time of our last meeting, I was working for a civil engineering company, travelling extensively throughout the UK and the continent.

It was five years before I returned to York, and it was during this period when we lost contact with one another.

On my return visit to Stillington, where Ann lived with her parents, Jim and Florence Toase, at Mill Cottages, I was informed that her parents had died and that Ann had married a cousin and moved away from the village.

No one was able to tell me where she had moved to with her husband, who I believe was called Ransom or something similar. He worked for British Rail repairing and servicing clocks.

If any reader knows the whereabouts of Ann would you please phone William Walker on 01484 863388.

My family have been very supportive during my search for Ann and have expressed their desire to meet her.

William Walker, Park Road, Claytonwest, Huddersfield.