I WROTE to my MP, Julian Sturdy, about the Draft Onshore Hydraulic Fracking (Protected Areas) Regulations 2015.

In his reply, dated December 11, he agreed fracking should “never be allowed to take place in the most picturesque parts of our countryside”.

He also expressed support for banning fracking wells from being located in national parks, sites of special scientific interest, areas of outstanding natural beauty and other protected areas.

Despite this, and his avowed concern for water security, by the time I received his reply, he had voted in favour of the Fracking Bill, allowing drilling under our so inadequately “protected areas”.

How can this government, signatory to the Paris Agreement, which aims to keep the rise in global temperature to 1.5C, also pass this Bill?

To have any hope of reaching this target, we must keep fossil fuels in the ground and achieve 100 per cent clean energy.

I have consequently pledged to take non-violent direct action against unconventional energy, including fracking, as a practical demonstration of my opposition to the disastrous threat fracking poses to the health of my family, friends, neighbours and our country as a whole.

In particular, I want to protect the air and water for the sake of my grandchildren.

Ginnie Shaw, Derwent Mews, Osbaldwick, York