A NEW campaign to highlight how smoking damages the body has been backed by City of York Council.

The campaign claims smoking causes a steady decline in a process similar to rotting, with a 25 per cent increased risk of bone fractures, slower healing after injuries, 59 per cent more chance of developing alzheimer's disease, and increased likelihood of tooth loss and decay.

It also claims about half of smokers who only smoke roll-ups wrongly believe they are less harmful than manufactured cigarettes, but hand-rolled cigarettes are at least as hazardous as any other type of cigarette.

Councillor Linsay Cunningham-Cross said: "Much of the harm caused by smoking doesn’t become obvious until middle age but the invisible damage can start shockingly early - even by the late teens.

"The earlier a smoker quits the better, but quitting at any age can help reverse at least some of the damage. That’s why there is no time better than now to quit. Stop smoking and stop the rot."

Smokers looking to quit for New Year can search ‘Smokefree’ online or phone North Yorkshire and City of York Stop Smoking Service on 0300 3031603 for the full range of free tools and support.