TEACHERS at a York school have been rewarded for their efforts raising attainment levels.

This summer saw Manor CE Academy’s best ever GCSE, when 80 per cent gained A'-C including English and maths, and the efforts of staff have now been rewarded, with the presentation of an award from the PiXL Club – an organisation set up to raise education standards that works with over 1,000 secondary schools in the UK.

Indru Nariani, vice principal, collected the award on behalf of Manor at a ceremony at the Guildhall in London. Only 12 schools in the country received the accolade, for raising achievement at GCSE level, and of those only three were located in the north of the country.

“I was genuinely surprised but very proud that the hard work by students and staff was recognised in this way,” said Mr Nariani.

Jim Kelly, assistant principal, said: “I’d like to pay tribute to the countless hours contributed by the teaching staff. With such a hard working body of colleagues our students are so very privileged to receive 100 per cent staff commitment to their success and ultimate future career paths.”

PiXL is short for Partners in Excellence.