MILLIONS of pounds will be spent fixing a blight on York's road users.

The Government is to invest £11.8million to tackle potholes around the city as part of The Department for Transport's £6billion scheme to improve roads between 2015 and 2021.

The investment amounts to £976million a year, enough to fix around 18 million potholes across the country.

Under the plans, York will see the multi-million investment begin in the new year.

Cllr David Levene, cabinet member for Transport, Planning and Economic Development at City of York Council, said: "Of course we welcome any additional money, although in this case it seems almost all of this is just a re-announcement of previous funding.

"To get all of York's roads into top condition would require around £80m, so we need some meaningful investment from the Government having seen millions taken out of our budgets in recent years."

Cllr Keith Aspden, Lib Dem Group Leader in York, added: "We have long called for greater funding for local roads so I welcome today’s announcement that York is to benefit from nearly £12million of government investment.

"This will go some way to reversing the damage done by the Labour Council in York who have cut funding for road repairs year after year.

"These cuts have seen the number of potholes on our roads increase and compensation claims against the council rise.

"I now hope that City of York Council will consult with residents to ensure that this national investment is spent in an effective way locally."