THE hacking into Sony Pictures’ confidential data and now even more serious, South Korea’s nuclear reactor plants, raises serious doubts about the safety of computer-led technology and the internet.

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the internet inventor, must be holding his hands to his head. Can we really trust any of it any more as every day new abuses bring it into disrepute?

If hackers can get into these major organisations, then there’s no chance for the ordinary mortal – and where does that leave all our government departments?

The world now seems to be at a pivotal stage with the computer love affair and personally I hope it all goes into decline as it is causing more damage than good.

Look at the software contracts for the NHS which cost £12 billion; the Ministry of Defence costing £70 million and a BBC digital project at £110 million – all a complete failure.

It’s a pity that the internet which is for the benefit of mankind has been taken over by serious criminals who have managed to seize control and now make it so unsafe and a complete pain to use. All our lives and privacy are being traced, logged and sold by Google and the mobile phone companies.

We’re 30 years on from George Orwell’s 1984. My, was he right.

Keith Massey, Bishopthorpe, York.