RECENTLY the MP for Hartlepool has made passionate statements on TV and in the local media as to why Ched Evans should not be allowed to sign for Hartlepool or any other football club and carry on his chosen profession as a footballer.

His reasons for this is that footballers are considered role models for the younger generation.

If Ched Evans had been a joiner or a bricklayer who had served his sentence, he would have been allowed to return to work for anyone willing to employ him with no questions asked, we should remember that anyone in any profession could be considered a role model to someone despite what job they perform.

If Mr Evans is not allowed to work he could go on benefits and be a further burden to the taxpayers, including the supporters of Hartlepool and others who watch from the terraces.

It has been announced that a report is to be submitted to the police naming 22 politicians, including three serving MPs and three members of The House of Lords, linked to historical child abuse and the killing of three boys.

It would be hoped that if found guilty these people will suffer the same fate as Ched Evans, unless the evidence is lost as was in 1983 when Cyril Smith and other suspected establishment figures were named as being involved in a similar child abuse ring.

Of course if MPs and members of The House of Lords are not considered role models, it won’t matter.

A P Cox, Heath Close, Holgate, York.