JULIAN Sturdy MP believes there is ‘nothing to fear’ from the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

However, he prefers to ignore the quiet dismantling of the NHS since his ConDem Government came to power, starting with the Health and Social Care Act 2012 (which extends the internal market within the NHS introduced by Labour) and now the secretive negotiations around TTIP.

A broad coalition of campaigners, including War on Want, World Development Movement and the Green Party, has been calling on the Government to ensure that the NHS is excluded from the negotiations. For Tory Lord Livingston to suggest this trade deal will not affect our NHS is fatuous.

Julian Sturdy has dismissed requests from hundreds of his constituents in York Outer, including me, to protect our NHS. Voters can make up their own minds in the upcoming election in May 2015 and choose a party that will stand up for the NHS, for the common good – the Green Party.

Ginnie Shaw, Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for the Green Party for York Outer, Derwent Mews, Osbaldwick, York.