REMEMBER the flurry of letters some time ago regarding npower?

Seems like things have not improved. A week ago, a notification dated December 8, 2014, was received, stating that they would renew our gas meter the following day.

Fine, except that the letter arrived on the 12th.

If their engineer called on December 9, I certainly wasn’t aware. I emailed them back straight away, saying how could they expect a letter, even with first-class postage, to arrive the following day at this time of year?

Also, our post is often not received until after lunch, and even if it was received first thing, to expect someone to make adequate arrangements at such short notice is just not on. I have asked for at least seven days’ notice before they attempt a meter change. No reply email has been received as yet.

Mike Harrison, MIllfield Lane, Nether Poppleton, York.