STEPHEN Lewis’ profile of Hugh Bayley (The Press, December 19) was generous but, in truth, overly charitable.

I heard Bayley at a hustings in York for the General Election of 2002. He was remarkable only in his inability to speak with conviction on almost any subject.

He voted with the government in favour of the Iraq War, one of the most heinous and disastrous decisions in UK politics of the last 30 years.

He has been York MP since 1992, but aside from his work on tobacco advertising and international aid, it’s hard to see what our MP has achieved other than numerous insipid photo opportunities.

Along the way he has pocketed the best part of a million pounds in salary and £163,000 in expenses in 2008. I hope York gets a stronger leader than Bayley. Our city deserves so much better.

Miles Salter, Heworth, York.