I READ the letter of November 12 from Trudie Elliot with amusement and then incredulity.

Initially, I thought Trudie was taking a gentle “rise” out of Ed Miliband and his ineptitude. Then I realised Ms Elliot was deadly serious in lauding Mr Miliband.

Her take on David Cameron and his “petulant” responses to Ed Miliband are well wide of the mark.

I am an avid PM’s Question Time follower and find David Cameron’s responses witty and erudite.

Is Trudie prepared to vote for a man who, in his haste to impress his acolytes by not using notes at the Labour Party conference, forgot to mention the economy?

Perhaps as an avid Miliband supporter, Trudie may be able to answer this: Why was Ed elevated over his brother David, who would have been a more powerful leader?

If David Miliband had been leader, the Labour Party would be in a much stronger position.

Philip Roe, Roman Avenue South, Stamford Bridge, York.