FURTHER to Cllr Aspden’s letter of November 10 about protection for pubs such as The Saddle in Fulford, there is potentially a means by which the Saddle and other pubs can be given a measure of protection.

This is the Local List of Heritage Assets, or the Local List, which the council consulted on in the summer of 2013.

Perhaps it is not surprising if Cllr Aspden is unaware of the existence of the list since it was initiated originally by the York Open Planning Forum more than ten years ago.

It consists of places and buildings nominated by local communities as being valued by them in just the way Cllr Aspden suggests.

And as a result of last year’s consultation process, provision for the list was finally written into the draft Local Plan in accordance with national planning guidance.

If –when – the Local Plan ever is adopted, any item included on list will become a ‘material consideration’ when proposals affecting it are being decided.

The proposals affecting The Saddle, and for that matter the Punch Bowl, are yet more reasons for getting on with finalising the Local Plan and getting it adopted so that these valued community assets stand a chance of being saved.

Alison Sinclair, Norfolk Street, York.