CONTROVERSIAL plans by a motor yacht club to buy a section of York's riverbank look set to be sunk by City of York Council.

Earlier this month, the authority sparked protests when it advertised it was proposing to dispose of land alongside the Ouse south of Millennium Bridge to York Motor Yacht Club, so it could create14 additional moorings to help tackle a waiting list of members.

Green councillor Andy D'Agorne said the scheme would lead to the removal of willows and natural vegetation along the waters edge and block off access to an area of river bank used by walkers and dog owners.

Now a council spokeswoman has said that leasing the land was 'not something we are looking to take forward.'

She also revealed that the council had advised the yacht club it would be highly unlikely to get planning permission for the change, because of the impact on public space and visual amenity, although the planning process could not be pre-empted.

Coun D’Agorne said the comments were 'excellent' news but said a protest demonstration being planned at the bridge on Sunday lunchtime would still go ahead to make clear the scale of opposition.

A club spokesman was unavailable for comment.