A HEAD teacher from York took to two wheels to set an example to her pupils.

This week, pupils across the country have been asked to walk, ‘scoot’ or cycle to school and at New Earswick primary in York the head, Carole Dickson, decided to take matters into her own hands and, borrowing a scooter from one of the children, scoot the three miles from her home in Fishergate to school.

Mrs Dickson said: "We are all in houses at the school, each named after Nestle chocolate bars, even me, and my house Kit Kat is not very successful when it comes to winning the weekly trophy so I was told I could get 1,000 points for my team if I did it.

"Fortunately I had fine weather for my scoot, but I had a few close encounters with conkers falling from trees and you really have to watch where you are going."

She said that she was just one of the school community who ditched the car and got in to the spirit, with more than 90 per cent of the school's 200 pupils taking part.

Mrs Dickson said the school has it's sights set on winning this year’s Jack Archer Award competition handed out by City of York Council tot he school with the highest number of children walking, scooting or cycling to school during the week.