I CURRENTLY own two Staffordshire Bull Terriers who are as daft and soft as brushes.

I wouldn't have any other dog. Every time someone new comes through the door, they're the first to say "hello, now fuss me, I'm cute" - they show no signs of latent aggression or viciousness (unless you look like a rubber ring toy)!

I have socialised them from a very early age (12 weeks is the best time to do this), both with humans of all shapes, sizes and ages, as well as dogs of all shapes, sizes and ages. They are even friends with the cat I own!

The breed was established in the late 1800s by mixing boxer, English bull terrier and bulldog bloodlines. The UK Kennel Club nicknamed them "the nanny dog" as farm workers who had these dogs could work all day, leaving their small children in the care of the Staffy.

The UK Kennel Club rates the Staffy high on its "safe-to-have-around-children" league table - higher than rottweilers, labradors, golden retrievers, German shepherds and even Jack Russells, plus a few other "aah, cute" breeds.

These dogs are affectionate (they love cuddles, kisses and lying on you to go to sleep), loyal, funny and curious members of my family, (yes I did say members of my family). How many people can say that of some humans?

How many children are mauled, disabled or killed each year by the largest and most prolific killing machines on our streets?

Are we going to ban these outright? I am talking about cars and other motor vehicles of course. As with dogs and irresponsible owners, cars and irresponsible drivers can do a lot of damage.

As usual, this whole issue is the idiotic, stupid, irresponsible minority ruining it for the decent law-abiding majority.

Ben Ballard, Osgodby, Selby, North Yorkshire.