YORK RUFC's Under-7 squad kicked off 2007 with a set of fixtures against Malton and Norton.

The A' team from Clifton Park produced a good display of running rugby with some positive attacking runs, notably from Charlie Hudson and Sam Lloyd.

Excellent support running from all players saw them win one and lose one of their matches, scoring 14 tries.

The York B' team managed a win and a draw, scoring 13 tries. Top scorers were Harrison Savage and Oliver Hughes with three tries each.

York squad members, with tries scored in brackets, were: Peter Atkin (2), Henry Barker (1), Adam Brown (1), William Farr, Jack Hannah (1), Megan Hannah (1), Emma Hardy, Charlie Hudson (5), Oliver Hughes (3), Alex Leahy, Sam Lloyd (2), Callum McAfee (1), Jonty Norling, Harrison Savage (3), Matthew Sayer (1), Ben Scotter (1), William Stead (1) and Daniel Watson (2).

The season for the York U7s continues tomorrow at home to Hull Ionians.

York U9s had an outstanding day against Malton with the A' team winning seven tries to one. Try scorers were Will Atkin (3), Sam Caygill (2) and Jack Starkey and Kyle Dorking with one each .

The B' squad held Malton to a 1-1 draw with Owen Ward scoring.