NOT enough North Yorkshire patients will get to choose where they get hospital treatment this year, according to a top-level health report.

A report to bosses from North Yorkshire and York Primary Care Trust (PCT) set out the latest details of how many patients were getting to select the hospital they go to under the Government's Choose And Book IT programme.

Chiefs from the Department of Health want to see the vast majority of its patients given a choice over where they are given surgery.

Under targets set by the Government, the PCT is expected to show that 90 per cent of patients in its care were referred to hospital through the Choose And Book system by the end of March.

But the latest figures show that in November, only a third of patients were being referred in this way, and the target was unlikely to be met.

PCT performance and delivery boss Bill Redlin told a recent board meeting: "Although performance is improving dramatically and we are seeing month by month increases, these increases aren't at the moment at the level required to reach the 90 per cent figure by March."

Staff from the PCT are working with GP practices to get them to sign up to Choose And Book, part of a national IT overhaul that has cost millions.

But many doctors feel the system is a waste of precious NHS money, and say most patients would prefer to be seen as locally as possible anyway.

Dr Brian McGregor, a York GP and secretary of the local medical committee, said: "It's an absolute total waste of time and effort.

"We do it, but there are still two or three practices that aren't even doing it.

"How are you going to get 90 per cent if two or three aren't trying?

"I suspect our practice will be close to 90 per cent. I've been doing it since August, and in that time one person has asked not to go to York. Only that one has gone elsewhere, and that was for a second opinion."

What is Choose And Book?

Choose And Book allows patients to book their hospital appointment using an electronic booking service at their GP surgery. It means they can choose the hospital where they are treated.

GPs give patients a booking reference number which means they compare different services on offer.