A YOUNG musician used her talent to raise more than £600 to help children who are seriously ill and disabled.

Laura Kindelan, 14, launched her first music collection in aid of Jessie's Fund at the Basement, City Screen in Coney Street, York.

A year ago, the Manor CE Academy pupil supported York singer and contestant in the BBC show The Voice, Beth McCarthy ,when the more experienced singer launched her first EP "Northern Light".

The nationally acclaimed singer was delighted to reunite with the younger singer to launch Laura's first EP "Risk" and both performed to a packed venue alongside acoustic duo According to Eve.

The evening also raised money for York-based charity Jessie's Fund, which aims to help children with complex needs through the therapeutic use of music throughout the country. It wants to equip every children's hospice with instruments and music therapists so the youngsters there can experience the creative and therapeutic use of music.