"You can't bargain with the truth", sings Yusuf Islam, the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens, on An Other Cup - and he's right.

The truth is that Yusuf's widely-awaited return to mainstream pop music after 28 years in the artistic, if not spiritual, wilderness, is disappointing.

The voice is as warm and expressive as ever, but the sparse arrangements and the leaden lyrics stop this comeback from even beginning to reach the glistening heights of Tea For The Tillerman and The Teaser And The Firecat.

Highlights include an emotional and topical reworking of Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood, sung from an Islamic perspective, and the jaunty Midday (Avoid City After Dark), but too many tracks are in the beginner's guide to God mould that made Slow Training Coming the lowlight of Bob Dylan's career.