A SERIES of rock gigs are being staged in York in tribute to tragic Yorkshire snooker star Paul Hunter.

Local businessman Rob Scott, of Elvington, near York, was inspired to organise the events after reading messages posted on an online condolence book in memory of the popular cue master.

Paul, from Leeds, a three-time former Masters champion, lost his battle with cancer last October. He died only a few days before his 28th birthday, leaving a widow, Lindsey, and their baby daughter, Evie Rose.

Mr Scott, who runs York-based firm Discerning Images Photography, contacted the author of the tribute website and suggested staging music events to raise money for the snooker star's chosen charity, the NET Patient Foundation.

"Like everybody else, I was sorry to hear the news that Paul had died, but heartened that so many people of around his own age would take the time to let others know how they felt."

Mr Scott contacted Paul Hunter's manager, Brandon Parker, to request the blessing of his family, which was duly given, before recruiting local businesses to help him organise the gigs.

More than 20 bands, including Angel Bass, Manifesto and Velvet Star, have already offered their talents for free and two tribute nights have been pencilled in at Cert 18, in Gillygate, York, on May 26 and May 27.

"I was bowled over by the response, but it goes to show that young people are willing to offer their respects in a practical way," Mr Scott said.

"The list of bands is not exhaustive, nor are the venues. If any other local venues wish to hold Paul Hunter Tribute Concerts, it's absolutely fine by us. The more people supporting this, the better.

"The object is to raise as much money in memory of Paul for the NET Patient Foundation."

The Cert 18 weekend gigs will coincide with The York Live Music Festival. Up to 12 bands will play back to back from lunchtime until last orders.

Paul Cunniff, owner of Acomb Music, who is helping to organise the gigs, said: "This is a very worthwhile cause and a great opportunity for local bands to play on the big stage.

"What hit people the most about Paul's death was his young age and the dignified way in which he conducted himself in the last year or so before he died."

For more details about the gigs, phone Mr Cunniff on 01904 781574.