YESTERDAY, we revealed how only three of North Yorkshire's 31 police stations are open round the clock.

Because of this, frontline police are often worryingly distant from the people they were supposed to serve, according to Harrogate MP Phil Willis.

Today, we report better news.

A "significant number" of new police community support officers (PCSOs) are to be recruited - 50 in York alone.

PCSOs are, in some quarters, referred to as "plastic policemen". They have neither the training nor the skills of full police constables.

Nevertheless, the recruitment of so many officers is good news. Their presence on patrol is reassuring. They are on hand to give advice and help to anyone who needs it, and also act as the police's eyes and ears.

At their best, they bring policing right into the heart of the community, where it belongs.

PCSOs will never replace fully trained police officers. But they are a welcome addition to the ranks of the thin blue line.