THE Union Flag is starting to fly in the York area in a show of support for British troops in the Gulf.

One has been put up outside the Adams House Hotel, in Main Street, Fulford, by proprietors Bob and Claire Cook.

Bob said they were flying the flag not only because their son Malcolm was out in Iraq, but also because they supported what Tony Blair and George Bush were trying to achieve. "I think it's the right thing to do," he said.

He felt cross that, while many people had flown the flag during last summer's Jubilee celebrations and the World Cup, hardly anyone was doing so now Britain was at war.

Bob, himself a former soldier with 2 Signal Regiment based at Imphal Barracks in York, said his son was a lance corporal in the Royal Logistics Corps, working as a chef.

A Union Flag was also hung yesterday between two posts near the outer ring road at Haxby, and the flag and the Stars and Stripes have also appeared outside St Peter's School Manor Boarding House in Bootham.

Housemaster Paddy Stephen said that after Parliament had decided Britain should go to war, a number of pupils had asked if it would be appropriate to hang flags from windows.

"They were very clear that they did not want to make a political statement, but wanted to show support for their parents and friends who were stationed in the Gulf," he said.

"The Armed Forces are a very close-knit family, especially at times of war and we as part of the Boarding Community are an extension to that family.

"The flags merely represent our collective support for the pupils and families at this difficult time.'

* Have you hung out the flag to show you are backing our troops? Phone Mike Laycock on 01904 567132, or email him at