SALES of bottled water have rocketed in York, as people stockpile emergency supplies - and cope with the warm spring weather.

Supermarkets across the city have reported increased sales of bottled water over the past few days, with some stores forced to order extra stock.

Store managers believe the demand has been due to a combination of Government advice to households to store emergency provisions such as bottled water in case of terror attacks, and the weather.

Despite the rush, no stores have started limiting the amount of water customers can buy, and managers insist there are plenty of supplies.

Alastair Durnley, duty manager at Tesco, Clifton Moor, said sales of multi-packs of two-litre bottled water had increased noticeably.

He said: "It has been a combination of the warmer weather and people panic-buying. Customers are mainly buying the cheaper waters. Some people have heeded the Government advice."

Managers have not reported a surge in sales of other emergency supplies such as tinned foods, torch batteries and blankets.

Paul Mason, at Sainsbury, in Foss Islands Road, said: "It's noticeable that people are buying more water as that section is emptying by the end of the day."

He added that while the store had ordered extra supplies of bottled water, he had not seen any other unusual related sales trends.

Acomb Safeway manager Richard Barmby said a rise in demand has tailed off over the weekend. He said: "We have experienced extra demand for large bottles of water, but it seems to have stabilised."

Last week the Home Office gave advice to households about preparing for any emergency, including a terrorist attack.

They advise households to have on hand a torch, battery-powered radio, ready-to-eat food, bottled water and blankets.

Residents should also have emergency and local authority phone numbers available and make sure they know where the main switches are located in their homes for electricity, water and gas.

o Shops in north London had signs up limiting bottles of water to one per customer, but, despite this, many sold out over the weekend.