ANTI-WAR campaigners have been pedalling for peace around the streets of York city centre.

The cyclists have been towing round an A-board to raise awareness of the anti-war demo in York tomorrow.

York Against The War (YAW) spokesman Rory Palmer said: "We thought it was a good way of raising awareness and reaching people in the city centre, where the march will take place.

"York is a cycle-friendly city and we wanted to be environmentally friendly so using the 'adbike' worked well."

Rory urged as many people as possible to turn out to swell the crowd, which he claimed could reach 3,000.

He said: "Groups are coming from Scarborough, Harrogate and North Lincolnshire, while people's family and friends are travelling from as far afield as Leicester."

Rory said YAW wanted the march to be the "noisiest, most vibrant York has ever seen".

He added: "Bring along musical instruments, anything that makes a noise or entertains. If people can juggle, stiltwalk, whatever, we want to see it, we want it all down there."

Updated: 09:13 Friday, March 14, 2003