B WEST'S letter to The Press (Property prices, December 29) on the subject of council-house rents compared with private sector rents was music to the ears of those of us who (in 2006) voted to stay with the council, ie Selby District Council, instead of the proposed transfer to a housing association.

Our decision was made in spite of much public relations activity, which we council tenants were subjected to.

We were overwhelmed with information on the supposed benefits of a transfer away from the council but we were "not for turning".

Many tenants were understandably concerned about future rent increases if the proposed transfer had taken place.

So Mr West's comments and his deliberations on the perceived financial benefits of a local council tenancy were most welcome to those of us who voted "no".

We wish Mr West a happy 2007.

Ida Mary Goodrick, Woodlands Avenue, Tadcaster.