THE University of York has had to apply for a licence to enable it to continue providing aerobics classes.

Under licensing legislation, premises which play recorded music - whether it is for exercise or dancing - must hold a premises licence.

As such the university has applied for a licence for its sports centre to ensure its keep fit classes stay the right side of the law.

In addition the university's application covers it if, in the future, it wants to hold wrestling or boxing bouts or put on performances of plays or films.

A spokesman for the university said: "The application under the Licensing Act 2003 covers indoor sporting events and events which involve recorded music hosted at the sports centre.

"We hold many sporting events at the centre, as well as running dance and aerobics classes, which require recorded music.

"But we considered it prudent to seek a licence that covered a range of other events that might be staged at the sports centre in the future, though they would not involve the sale of alcohol.

"Seeking the appropriate licence now will eliminate the need for a costly re-application in the future should the Sports Centre be required for one of these classes of event."