YORK's cycling paramedics have been put in the spotlight thanks to a pantomime dame.

The Life Cycle Paramedics, who work alongside the conventional ambulance service, provide a vital response to people in the city centre and, through the life-saving actions of one of their group, have enlisted the support of York Theatre Royal.

Last April, Joyce Hudson, of Buckingham Street, York, suffered heart failure at her home.

Her husband dialled the emergency services but first on the scene was cycling paramedic Craig Barley.

Mrs Hudson said: "I was told that if I had not had attention so quickly I would have been in big trouble. I basically owe the York cycling paramedics my life."

Mrs Hudson asked friend and celebrated panto dame Berwick Kaler to act as an ambassador for Life Cycle.

Mr Kaler said: "This service is vital to us all and should be supported by us all. They are York's unsung heroes, but they need our financial backing as well as our respect."

Mrs Hudson is also doing her best to raise cash for the service.

On Thursday, February 22, from 9.30am to 4.30pm, she will be providing food and drink at St Crux, Pavement, in aid of the cycling paramedics.