YORK'S "ring of steel" alleygating scheme will go ahead without a public inquiry.

Police have resolved all the objections to the scheme, which will see 52 alleygates installed in Clifton to help combat crime.

The Press told last year how people living in about 800 homes and 50 streets in the area were three times more likely to be the victims of car crime or burglary than anyone else in York.

Chief Inspector Nick Warnes, co-ordinator of the project, said there had been some concern about how three of the gates would affect access to the football ground, but he said police were meeting with York City representatives today to iron out any difficulties.

He said: "We are back on course now. We have dealt with everyone's concerns and we now have a fully supported scheme.

"We have submitted measurements and designs for the gates to three companies for tender and they are going to get back to us by January 19."

He said there would be a meeting on January 30 to decide who would be fitting the gates and where all 52 would be stored until they are installed.

He said: "Obviously that's a lot of gates and they are quite big so we are going to need somewhere to keep them."

He said he expected them to be in place in Clifton by late February or early March.

The Press told in November how some parts of the scheme could be put to a public inquiry because of concerns about rubbish collection, but those objections have now been withdrawn.

Chief Insp Warnes said: "The alleys provide an opportunity for crime as many have high-sided walls, and limited access and use means that those intent on crime are more likely to use them.

"The number of alleys and how they inter-connect means they are difficult to police.

"Alleygates will mean that only residents have access to these areas, making them safer and more private for residents."

Each resident will be given a key card or code to allow them to access the alleys around their home.