PUPILS at a York private school were today holding a silent vigil against the war.

The anti-war protest took place outside the Mount School, a girls' boarding school in Dalton Terrace, York.

Deputy Head Sarah Hebron said that the vigil, which began at 9am and was taking place throughout the day, had been the pupils' idea to demonstrate their opinion about the war against Iraq.

She said that the number of girls taking part would fluctuate throughout the day as only pupils who wanted to take part and didn't have lessons would be involved.

Some of the pupils, aged between 11 and 18, held anti-war placards during the silent protest.

Mrs Hebron said: "There have been a series of discussions about the war in school and the girls have taken a very great and informed interest in what is going on.

"We are a Quaker school and we confront serious issues. We support our pupils in making their own informed opinions."