YORK residents were today urged to take part in non-violent civil disobedience in protest at war in Iraq.

Chris Fuller, of York Against the War, said the direct action protests can be the only response to the Government's "immoral and ludicrous behaviour".

He said: "We will bring the country to a standstill. Tony Blair ceased to be the voice of the people of this country a long time ago. The people of Britain need a voice, the anti-war movement is that voice. Come and make your voice heard now."

Mr Fuller said direct action was now the only option left after lobbying and protesting had failed to get Prime Minster Tony Blair to listen.

He added: "Our only option now is to bring the country to a halt. Workers across York will be joining with workers across the country and across the world in downing tools; organising workplace stoppages and strikes in protest against the war."

Rory Palmer, of York Students Against the War, said: "This is outrageous. If York University think they have seen protests before then we have a shock for them. There will be picket lines, teach-ins and occupations."