THE Home Office has set out "simple preventative steps" - like stocking up on bottled water and tinned food - that people should take to guard themselves against possible terror attacks in this country.

Though officials say there is currently "no information that would lead us to advise you to take special precautions against the threat of terrorism," they have advised people to take the same steps they would take to avoid being the victim of crime.

These include keeping an eye out for suspect bags, packages or vehicles, or people acting suspiciously in airports or stations.

"Trust your instincts - if you feel something is wrong, call the police," they say.

In addition, they say it is "sensible to be prepared for any emergency in the home", adding: "In any emergency, you could lose access to power, water, telephones and roads."

People should have on hand items such as batteries; a battery-powered torch; a battery-powered or wind-up radio; some food which is ready to eat, such as tinned food; bottled water; and blankets.

If the threat of terrorist action changes "and you need to take specific action, we will issue advice immediately, through radio, television and all forms necessary.

"At the moment, we do not believe that the best way to offer useful, up-to-date advice is to issue a national leaflet."