We continue our look behind the scenes at the Evening Press - and some famous names tell us why they love local papers

ADVERTISING plays a crucial role in producing each copy of the Evening Press, generating around 70 per cent of the paper's revenue.

The company has a large team of advertising executives who offer services for both private and trade advertisers, headed by Avril Oliver.

All executives are trained in how to put an advert together to achieve the best response and they check ads carefully to ensure they are legal, decent, honest and truthful.

Private advertisers are able to place all sorts of personal announcements in the paper's classified section, from birthday greetings to furniture for sale.

Anyone wanting to place this type of advert with us can either come to the reception at our offices on Walmgate or ring us with the details.

The private ads team key the details into the computer system and the copy goes through to the design production department.

Trade advertising is dealt with by sales representatives face to face or on the telephone.

Special discounts and packages are available for repeat advertising.

Special features and supplements provide editorial content giving extra reader interest.

We have also started offering leaflet distribution with the paper.

" The regional press is performing with distinction. It has combined solid, factual coverage of the conflict with a focus on local human stories of British servicemen, women and their families. The regional press... is a pillar of British democracy. The service which it provides to its communities is invaluable and I pay tribute to its excellent work." Jack Straw - Secretary of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, on media coverage of the Iraq conflict

"The stuff of community life, this is what makes the country tick. It's the interesting, local events that make up the fabric of local life." Kate Adie - BBC chief news correspondent, addressing a regional press audience at the Newspaper Society Sales and Promotions Conference

"One of the key factors in the popularity of local and regional papers is our sense of place. Despite the world getting smaller, and the global media, we're actually becoming more local in our outlook." BBC Radio Presenter, Brian Hayes

"As secretary of state, I travel exten-sively throughout Wales and meet regional newspaper journalists keen to quiz me on my visit to their communi-ties. Although courteous and well informed, the questioning is invariably sharp and penetrative, determined to deliver the best to the reader." Paul Murphy, secretary of state of Wales

"The health, strength, variety and quality of our regional press shines brightly." Press Gazette leader on judging the Regional Press Awards

"Local papers are of tremendous importance. They circulate news and views, which are of immense interest to those in the area and we would be lost without them." Sir Patrick Moore

"To be human is to be interested in the world about us - the immediate as well as the wider one. National papers bring us the global view, but local ones reflect the life we know and recognise and that is, in the great scheme of things, just as important." Joanna Trollope - author