SHOPPERS in York got a sneak preview of the city's world-famous Mystery Plays.

The Guilds of York, who put on the plays, performed excerpts as part of City of York Council's Streets Alive festival.

Brian Wilson, from the Guild of Builders, took the part of God and spoke to the crowd from a pulpit.

The show ended with a production of the Road to Emmaus for a group of VIP guests from Royal Ascot who had attended a reception at the Mansion House.

The plays have been performed in the city every four years since they were revived in 1994.

Roger Lee, chairman of York Mystery Plays, said: "We want to get across to people that this is the future of the mystery plays in the city."

The next Mystery Play performances will take place on July 9 and 16, 2006, in Dean's Park and Museum Gardens.