A COUNCILLOR is calling for the text of the York Mystery Plays to be returned to York to form the centrepiece of a permanent display.

Coun Martin Bartlett is also urging City of York Council to provide leadership and support for regular future production of the Plays in the city, which would provide a focus for "inclusive community involvement and the promotion of cultural tourism."

The Liberal Democrat councillor for Holgate has submitted a motion to tomorrow's council meeting, calling on fellow councillors to agree that the text of the historic Plays, which he says is in the British Library, should be returned to its "true home" in the city.

His motion also says: "Reunited with the unique records of their production and performance held in the York City Archives, it should form the centrepiece of a permanent display celebrating the city's key contribution to the development of English drama."

At the same time, another councillor, Rural West York Independent member Janet Hopton has tabled a question to the executive member for leisure and heritage, Coun Keith Orrell, asking him to update councillors on the plans to stage a full-scale production of the Plays, including some indication as to when this is likely to happen.

She also asks Coun Orrell to give details of how the council is involved and helping to achieve this.

The Evening Press launched a campaign last year to revive the major open-air static production of the Plays, like those which used to be staged every four years in the Museum Gardens.

The campaign began after the paper reported that the Plays would not be performed this year in line with the four-year tradition.