AS A child I spent time in the care system, and know from personal experience what it feels like to have no stability and the upheaval of moving between different placements.

I was relatively lucky. After spending some time in the care system I grew up in a stable family environment and went on to achieve great success.

Sadly, thousands of children have yet to experience a similarly safe and secure home, and face a future full of obstacles.

That is why I'm supporting the children's charity NCH, and its call on the Government to improve the support provided for children in this situation.

By working with organisations such as NCH, providing early intervention services, the Government would be able to prevent many children and young people from entering the care system in the first place.

I know what a difference early support would have made to my life, and I am optimistic that we can make 2007 the start of a safe and secure future for every child in care.

Chris Eubank, c/o NCH.