A PENSIONER has hailed the "power of The Press" after the potentially- hazardous water problem in his York council flat was finally dealt with - after eight weeks.

Cyril Frear, of Long Close Lane, off Walmgate, contacted The Press as a last resort to get something done about the water which was literally running down the walls in his kitchen.

The 81-year-old said he was living in fear as the liquid had spread close to a power socket.

He said he had reported the issue to the council four times but became too frightened to try again amid claims the operators laughed at him, saying: "It's him on the phone again".

Now, only 24 hours after we highlighted his plight, City of York Council chiefs sent in specialists to sort out the problem.

"It was being caused by a blockage in the flat above apparently, but it has been sorted now," Mr Frear told The Press "It took some doing and I think it shows the power of The Press. The council moved straight away after it had been in the paper."

Mr Frear said he was sent a letter of apology from the council for the delay and also an assurance that they would investigate the comments made by the council operators when he called to complain.

But the pensioner says he is now happy with the situation and wants no further action to be taken.

"I don't want anyone getting into trouble over this," he said. "I was just annoyed that it took so long for anything to get done about it.

"I'm glad they have sorted the problem because it was a hell of a worry that the water was getting into the electrics.

"The Press did a grand job."

Mr Frear said the water dripped down whenever his neighbours used their kitchen sink.

"Everybody I spoke to said I had done the right thing by telling The Press," he added.

"There was a lot of concern for me."

A City of York Council spokeswoman said: "We're pleased that Mr Frear is happy that the issue has been resolved."