FIRST peahens, then big cats, then fatal encounters between rabbits and foxes, The Diary has long been a friend to the animal kingdom.

So, today we are issuing a plea to the owner of this beautiful Maine Coon cat. Margaret Holton, of Barlby, took her in at Christmas in 2005.

Despite several attempts to trace the owner of this distinctive feline, Margaret has had no joy. "I've placed notices in local shops and my daughter even put a note on some websites," she said.

But still the rightful owner has not come forward. The cat - which Margaret has named Pudding - was wearing a distinctive collar when she turned up on her doorstep.

If you think the cat belongs to you, or someone you know, phone Margaret on 01757 707905 and describe the collar to her.

One particular joke has been doing the rounds in York this Christmas - from pulpits all around the city.

It goes like this. A chap goes into a pub which has a sign above the bar offering: "A pint, a pie and a kind word... £4 (including VAT)."

So he decides to try the special offer, and duly receives his pint and his pie. After an awkward silence, he inquires about the kind word.

The barman says: "Don't eat the pie!"

One local clergyman confided in the Diary: "Several of us used that from different pulpits on Christmas Morning, but I can assure you it was linked with something quite profound and germane to the day."

Good, eh? Did you hear the one about the actress and the bishop?

COUNCILLORS in York have a novel excuse if they miss any meetings in April. Diaries printed for the city council give a date as Tuesday April 4. Unfortunately, the date should read Tuesday April 3.

An email to all members attempts to clarify the situation. "Although the dates are incorrect on Tuesday 3 and subsequent meetings, the days and meetings details are correct." Any councillors who are still confused can access an online version of the diary, which is helpfully updated regularly.

The reason for the mix-up has not been revealed, but the council says it is looking into the matter.