HERE is a wonderful celebration of traditional tunes and ballads by one of folk music's finest bands.

Bellowhead's arrangements for bold and brazen brass, soothing and silky strings, rich and resplendent reeds, plus pulsating percussion, are inventive and exciting full of attack.

Rigs Of The Time berates crooked and greedy tradesmen who exploited the unstable economy caused by the Napoleonic Wars.

The 19th century broadside ballad Jordan takes a satirical swipe at the hypocrisy of genteel English ladies over the issue of slavery.

Across The Line is a haunting homage to English seafarers. Pete Flood's fine arrangement was inspired by Benjamin Britten's magnificent Sea Interludes.

London Town, printed by C. Cronshaw, of Coppergate, York, between 1814 and 1850, warns rustic lads to beware of the fleshpots of the capital city.

My only gripe is that vocalist Jon Boden's "drunk and disorderly" rendition of Flash Company would work better in the concert hall rather than the recording studio.