I WOULD never have thought that, in my 67th year, I would see a Labour Government that, through its membership of the EU, encourages the unlimited arrival of foreign workers, who are prepared to work for pitifully low wages in order to drive down the wages of the indigenous workforce, Labour's traditional supporters - while allowing the salaries and bonuses of the fat cats in banking and insurance to rise to obscene levels.

Or a Labour Government that would recruit so many bureaucrats and managers into the NHS so as to render it inoperative due to its inability to pay the wages of the medical staff in order for it to function in its intended purpose - all this in spite of pumping untold billions of the taxpayers' pounds into the service.

That would allow parts of the education system to become so debilitated that young working-class people would be leaving school lacking the ability to communicate in the written word.

Or that it would have a leader whose purpose would appear to be concerned with leaving a "legacy" and creeping around the rich and famous, cadging cheap holidays.

Stewart Hanson, Collier Lane, Baildon, Shipley.