WHAT kind of society do we aspire to be? Let me tell you. The kind that has no respect for our own culture and heritage.

How sad that the piggy bank, with its lovely smiling face, is being banned by the high street banks because it "might offend Muslim customers".

This is a time-honoured symbol of childhood and thrift. For goodness' sake, when is this dangerous political correctness madness going to stop?

What if a powerful native body forced the Muslim community to stop eating ritually slaughtered meat because it conflicts with the Christian message.

What do you think would happen then to race relations in this country?

Islamic leaders would soon be up in arms.

I'm not sure exactly what obligation the native British have towards the Muslim community (apart from protecting it from racist abuse and attacks), but it shouldn't ever include sacrificing our quaint old traditions.

That it does, begs the question - what next, the banning of bacon by high street butchers?

Aled Jones, Mount Crescent, Bridlington, East Yorkshire.