RESIDENTS at a York care home have sprung to its defence following criticisms of the home by a regulatory watchdog.

A group of men who live at Lifestyles in Wentworth Road, Scarcroft Hill, have praised it highly, with one claiming he owed his life to it and another saying: “We are all happy living here.”

Residents contacted The Press to speak out in support of the home after the newspaper recently reported critical comments about the home by the Care Quality Commission, following an inspection.

Its report claimed that Lifestyles, which provides accommodation for up to 19 adults who may have a learning disability or mental health needs, had been failing to protect residents from possible abuse, imposing “potentially oppressive” restrictions on them and keeping poor records.

But half a dozen residents claimed the standard of care was very high and said any restrictions on them were very light and, where imposed, were justifiable and for their own protection.

Paul Haymes, 53, said he was “so thankful” to the home manager, Clare Bower, who had given the best advice possible and helped him to stop drinking and smoking.

“I’m happy because I have been well looked after,” he said.

“Nobody is forced to do a job in this house. Most of the men like doing cleaning, but it is purely voluntary.”

John Moreton, 60, claimed the newspaper’s report had been unbalanced and said no unnecessary restrictions were imposed, while Mark Linley, 54, said: “I don’t feel forced to do anything. We are all happy living here. It’s a good care home.”

Paul Hargreaves, 46, said his mother and father had seen an improvement in him since he had been to the home.

Peter Guyler, 63, said the manager, her husband and the staff had worked tirelessly for the sake of residents.

He said: “We are one big family.”

Steven Alderson, 51, said he had been a self-harmer and taken overdoses until he had moved to the home. “If it weren’t for Lifstyles, I wouldn’t be here today,” he said.