A YORK worker has set himself a massive challenge for the weekend.

Grant Smalley is taking part in the Trans Pennine Challenge on Saturday to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

The Trans Pennine Challenge is 100k from Stockport to Manchester – and while that is difficult in itself, it is made more so by the fact that Grant has never competed in a marathon before, never mind two and a half in one day.

Grant, who works at CPP in Holgate, only made the decision to enter in April and has given himself little time to train.

It has been tough cramming in the many hours of training leading up to the event.

Despite this, he hopes to get a respectable time, and aims to run all of it, body permitting; though, he admits himself that he may have to walk, if not crawl, some of the way.

Anyone who would like to support Grant can do so through Just Giving sponsorship page. They can donate by texting GRSM80 £X to 70070, or going to justgiving.com/Grant-Smalley-100K