A CYCLIST who shed more than five stone has urged men around the region not to be shy when it comes to visiting slimming groups.

Joe Bennett, 30, is a research scientist at the University of York’s biology department, and lost more than five stone after he joined a local slimming club last September, when he weighed 17st 11lb (249 pounds).

He said: “I decided to turn up because I just did a lot of different things in my life and thought I try and do the best I can, why haven’t I taken the same approach getting into shape?

“I’ve always been big, I was overweight as a child, so when I got into my teens and older, being two or three stone overweight was normal. Then if I put another stone on, it didn’t seem to make a difference. I just decided I neeeded to do something about it.”

Joe, from Shipton-by-Beningbrough, sat down with his wife Lois, and decided he wanted to get back to his weight from their wedding day, of 13.5 stone (189lb), then paid for 12 weeks of the Wigginton Slimming World classes in advance, so he would definitely attend.

He said: “A friend sent me a picture from last summer. I was invited to be part of the cycle procession for the Olympic torch. they emailed it to me and I couldn’t believe how big I looked in it.

“When I weighed in I was surprised at how heavy I was, I didn’t think I was that big. It was a bit of a shocker. I needed to get it sorted. I’d just turned 30 and part of me thought ‘people talk about middle-aged spread, and I can’t spread much further’.”

Within weeks, he had reached his target weight, and has decided to lose a little extra. He now weighs 12 stone 10 pounds (178lb), and said he would recommend making the change to anyone, particularly men, who felt they could lose a few pounds.

He said: “It’s not about sharing feelings it’s about sharing tips and hints and finding what other people do well or do wrong and you can learn from it all.

“A lot of guys ask me about it, but I have to tell them it’s not about eating certain things but rethinking how you eat. I would say man up, sign up, and go along to a group because it makes a big difference.”