THIS was the sight many thousands of visitors were greeted with on their way into York on Sunday.

Having been dropped off by coach at Clarence Street, many would have made their way down Gillygate and would have turned to go into the city through Bootham Bar, the first of many attractions that brings millions of visitors to this great city every year. What must they have thought when this sight confronted them!

Recently the public toilets nearby came in for some stick with regards to creating an unfavourable lasting impression of York. Don’t we want our visitors to go home full of praise for our fabulous city?

I’m sure the statue of William Etty, who is generally credited with saving Bootham Bar, was looking on with embarrassment. Not only was this the first sight to to greet them with, it stayed there all day and so was the last thing they saw as well.

Philip Nelson, St Olaves Road, York.