HUNDREDS of youngsters from North Yorkshire schools converged on the University of York for a series of enterprise days.

Aimed at pupils in Years 5 and 6 from primary schools feeding into Tadcaster Grammar School and Sherburn High School, the events aimed to raise aspirations and give the pupils an insight into university life.

The youngsters taking part were involved in a challenge where they were hired by a soft drinks company for the day to help to design a new drink to bring in more sales.

The events were part of a collaboration between Tadcaster Grammar, Sherburn High and the York Entrepreneurs Society – a university student-run group.

They took place in the Ron Cooke Hub which sits at the heart of the university’s £750 million Heslington East campus extension.

Keith Aspden, family of schools co-ordinator for Tadcaster and Sherburn, said: “Tadcaster Grammar School and Sherburn High School have a commitment to widening participation and engaging with our community.

“The local family of schools works across a number of local primary schools to promote a wide and varied number of opportunities and projects such as this one, for students and families throughout the year.”

The enterprise day is part of an initiative by the York Entrepreneurs Society to forge stronger links with local schools, businesses, the university and wider community.

Oscar Ford, president of the York Entrepreneurs Society, said: “This is the third year that the York Entrepreneurs Society has run this event in partnership with Tadcaster Grammar School and the university. It’s a win-win situation for all involved; it provides pupils with enterprise experience and a chance to see the university, and allows university students to volunteer. At the same time it showcases the university’s fantastic facilities.”