COUN DAVE MERRETT doesn’t appear to have a clue about traffic.

The closure of Lendal Bridge will have no affect on the traffic coming out of the station because it is much more complex than stopping some traffic coming over Lendal Bridge.

The problem is the bad design created by this council.

Too many crossings and only one entrance to the short-stay car park means traffic going into the car par can’t get in because of the traffic trying to get out, which causes queues to build up on the loop out of the station.

And when you finally arrive at the exit, there is only one lane.

If they had created two lanes one to turn right and one to turn left this would have alleviated a lot of the problem.

The station needs a rethink. It was only altered to accommodate that ridiculous purple bus – another waste of money.

I would suggest Coun Merrett comes down to the railway station to see what he has created.

Keith Hatfield, Station Taxis, York.