NOMINATIONS are being sought for sporting heroes who have made an outstanding contribution to amateur sport in York.

The Press’s tenth annual Community Pride Awards, run with City of York Council, will celebrate the unsung heroes of the city and give them some of the recognition they deserve.

York Racecourse, which will host the award ceremony when winners are announced in October, is also a longstanding sponsor of the sporting hero category, which recognises those who have “made an outstanding contribution to amateur sport in a playing or non-playing capacity”.

James Brennan, head of marketing at the racecourse, said: “We are pleased to sponsor this category as one of the longest established sports in York.

“We have been at our Knavesmire site since 1731 and over 350,000 people watched live sport with us last year.

“We want to support sport in this city. As well as racing, there are a number of football pitches here and every day we see people jogging around the site, we are a communal area when not being used as a racing facility.

“Everyone talks at home about how great their children’s sports coach is – don’t just talk about it at home, nominated them and get them the recognition they deserve.”

At last year’s ceremony, also held at the racecourse, City of York Athletic Club running coah Geoff Barraclough took the sporting hero title.

Judges said the “absolute devotion” of Mr Barraclough, who has been involved with the club for nearly four decades, made him deserving of the award The Community Pride Awards are sponsored by Benenden Health.

You can nominate people or groups in a variety of categories through The Press website, by visiting