I AGREE with your letter writer Lynne Lea (The Press, April 19) – how dare you be content to print more than one letter expressing an opinion contrary to one’s own!

The opinion expressed in this letter was not that of your readers (not this one anyway) so please do not air any more pro-Thatcherite or Con/Dems letters.

On a more serious note, your opening letter of April 12 was printed with no attributable name and address, unlike almost every other letter in your columns. Why? This was not a personal or sensitive subject, just a view on past history. Was this writer a VIP and thus received special treatment? We need to know.

Derek Shaw, River Street, York.

Editor’s note: We always prefer to print the name and address of letter writers and will not print a letter without that information. Occasionally, letter writers ask for those details to be withheld. The writer in question was not a ‘VIP’ but a regular contributor who asked, on this occasion, to remain anonymous.